
Manufacturer & Installer of Commercial Aluminium Windows

Accredited Manufacturer & Installer of Commercial Aluminium Windows, Doors &Automated Door Entry Systems

This well established and respected business was set up by the current owner some 25 years ago and in that time has grown and evolved into the highly professional and profitable organisation that exists today. The company offers a full turnkey solution by manufacturing and installing a high quality range of aluminium windows and doors and curtain walling systems on a purely commercial basis. In addition to this the business also specialises in automated doors and entry systems and has the sole UK distribution rights for several leading worldwide suppliers.

The company serves the middle to top end of the market and has excellent processes in place which ensures consistent delivery and performance The business has all the necessary accreditations and memberships in place to enable it to work with a very impressive list of blue chip clients on a national basis. The business typicaly has some 100 regular clients and these include public sector bodies, councils, large main contractors, national blue chip organisations and facilities management companies. It enjoys approved supplier status with many.
The business provides a complete turnkey solution from initial design, using the latest Autocad software packages right through to supply, installation and final commissioning. In addition to this it also provides ongoing maintance and servicing and this is a big growth area, particularly for the automated door systems.

The business has a good management structure and a highly skilled workforce. It manufactures and supplies to exacting standards. Its infrastructure is such that it can meet the most demanding customer requirements.

The business has built up a sterling reputation based on quality, knowledge and superior product design and manufacture . The company currently carries out pretty much all production in house.This ensures excellent quality control and superior product delivery.
The company operates from purpose built freehold premises with room for further expansion. The freehold premsies are owned by the business and included within the sales price. However vendors are flexible and would consider leasing the premises if need be or for a new owner to relocate the busienss should they so wish Visit Website

Net Profit: £N/A

Turnover: £N/A

Asking Price: £2,000,000

Business Location: West Midlands

Business Type: Business for Sale

Business Sector: Manufacturing

Ref: GK229


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